What is the best hunting caliber?

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Best Caliber for hunting

When discussing the top calibers for shooting and hunting, the first question that arises is: For what purpose? When considering specific tasks, the selection narrows. Here are my top picks for various uses. While I acknowledge there are many other great cartridges, some of which may be better suited to particular needs, I am focusing on reliable cartridges that are readily available at your local gun store and consider the cost of the rounds as well.

Hunting conditions vary greatly by state. For instance, using a 7mm Rem Mag for mule deer in Nevada differs from hunting whitetail in Wisconsin. The distance to shoot can vary significantly. In Nevada, a 300-yard shot is often considered close. In my opinion, a 7mm Rem Mag is preferable to a .308 because if I need to shoot at 400 to 500 yards, I don’t need to rethink my shot as much as I would with a slower, lower BC round.

Best for Hunting Medium Game (Mule Deer, Antelope, Whitetail, etc.)

  • .308 Winchester
  • 6.5 Creedmoor
  • .270 Winchester
  • .243 Winchester
  • .30-06 Springfield
  • 7mm Remington Magnum
  • 7mm-08 Remington

.30-06 Springfield

A .30-06 is perhaps the most popular cartridge in the world, and its versatility is a major reason why. It’s been used to hunt game in various countries, and its velocity on impact makes it a great choice for big game hunts.

.308 Winchester

If you’re hunting medium-sized game, the .308 is a great choice. These cartridges are deadly accurate, helping you hit smaller targets, and with the right shot placement, they can even take down larger game.

The Best Deer Hunting Calibers

When deer hunting, you need a cartridge powerful enough to take down a deer and accurate enough to hit the small vital region. Any of the following cartridges can help ensure a successful deer hunt:

  • .270 Winchester: Popular for its long-range reach, which is essential in deer hunting.
  • .308 Winchester: While it doesn’t pack a massive punch, it offers plenty of velocity to take down even the largest bucks. It’s also the perfect size to keep the rifle’s weight down, crucial for long days in the field.

The Best Hog Hunting Calibers

While many calibers can be used for hog hunting, if you’re doing volume shooting, cost-effective options like the 7.62×39, .300 Blackout, and 5.56 are great choices.

Best for Big Game

  • .300 Winchester Magnum
  • .300 WSM
  • .338 Winchester Magnum

Best for Beginners

  • 6.5 Creedmoor
  • 7mm-08 Remington

Best for Practice, Fun, and Cost

  • .22 LR
  • .223/5.56
  • .308 Winchester

Best for Squirrels and Rabbits

  • .22 LR
  • .22 Mag
  • .17 Mach 2
  • .17 HMR

Best for Coyotes

  • .223/5.56
  • .22-250
  • 6.5 Creedmoor
  • 6mm Creedmoor

I know there are many other choices. My recommendations are based on 15 years of experience in the gun store business. While I am not an expert, my knowledge comes from hands-on use and customer recommendations. I am often asked what I shoot or use, and I base my choices on experience with supply and demand for ammo, ease of finding ammo, and reloading components. I am a military survival-minded person first.


  • .22 LR
  • .22 Mag
  • .17 Mach 2
  • .17 HMR
  • .17 WSM
  • .357 Mag
  • 9mm
  • .45 ACP
  • .454 Casull
  • .223/5.56
  • .300 Blackout
  • .308/7.62
  • 7.62×39
  • 5.45×39
  • 5.7×28
  • 6.5 Creedmoor
  • 7mm Remington Magnum
  • .300 Winchester Magnum
  • .30-06 Springfield
  • .45-70 Government
  • .50 BMG


  • 12 Gauge


  • .22 LR
  • .22 Mag
  • .17 Mach 2
  • .17 HMR
  • 5.7×28
  • .38/.357
  • .380 ACP
  • 9mm
  • .45 ACP
  • .45 Colt
  • .454 Casull
  • .223/5.56
  • 5.45×39
  • .300 Blackout
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Michael Christopherson

I'm a regular person who wants to do something positive for others. I've owned a construction company, a WW2 Jeep parts business, a Bullet manufacturing business, and a few other small private businesses. My Gun business was a hobby. I intended to make play money and possibly have a small shop when I retired in 2031. I wanted my shop to be the best experience people could have; I wanted the store to be of value to many people. I want to provide good jobs for people in my town. The call to be the best is attainable because I keep trying to improve on what I have already built. My parents and my 10 years with the Navy Seabees instilled this drive in me. I have also been influenced by many other successful people; I thank my wife, Rachael, and my kids; they are the reason I try so much, as I want to leave them with something if they want it. I thank God as he blesses me with high-quality people in my life.

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